A Marketing, Information Technology & Systems, and History Triple Major
Academic Writing
The following pieces of academic writing have been embedded for ease of viewability. If embeds are unavailable or to view full screen, click the PDF icon under the description. Other attachments, such as PowerPoints, may also be accessed through an attachment icon. This work is my own and should not be utilized without my permission.
In this project, teams were given a brief introduction to the KFC Italia brand by Alessia Ceriani, the Digital and CRM Lead at KFC Italia. We were then given access to the Google Analytics account of KFC Italia, including KFC website and app data for the entire country of Italy. While this is one of my most important projects, I, unfortunately, cannot share my presentation or my final report due to the NDA we were all required to sign when given access to this corporation's analytics. I can say that I worked heavily with funnel visualization and pathway exploration, and worked on makings insights and recommendations out of numbers. It was after this project that I tested for my Google Analytics certification. Feel free to ask me any more questions about this project!
Web Analytics Final Project - Working with KFC Italia
Public Relations Final Plan - Lux Leonis
In this project, teams worked with Dr. Ania Rynarzewska, owner of Lux Leonis Skincare, to create a public relations plan for her business. Our team was singled out for an exceptional presentation and project. The accompanying presentation (not embedded, but attached) was created by myself.
Multinational Marketing Final Report - NFL IHMA Initiative
The only requirement of this report was to cover anything within the current realm of multinational marketing. My final report details the International Home Marketing Areas of the NFL, an initiative that attempts to grow the American football market internationally through the assignment of team marketing rights to countries outside the US.
Multinational Marketing Mini Assignments
There are two assignments included in this PDF, assignments #2 and #3, which include a short marketing analysis of Volkswagen and India's ONDC based on articles we were given to read in class. Only these two assignments are included due to the others relying on the need for the original article for full comprehension.
Senior Research Project - Emotional or Intellectual: How Do We Vote?
1st in Behavioral Science category in Tidewater Region
This analytical report looked at two models of voting behavior -the Downs-Spatial Model/Rational Choice Theory, a model of ideological voting, and the Michigan Model, a psychological way of voting -to determine if people voted emotionally or intellectually. Utilizing statistical analysis of self-collected survey samples, I sought to explore the polarization of the political parties.
History Writing Samples
The attached PDFs are various historical research papers, book reviews, or homework assignments. If you're not interested in reading for historical knowledge, take these as further demonstrations of my writing skill.